Setting Up for Straight-Key Operation


This is not only for how to set up for good comfortable "Straight-Key" operation, but we will present a series of easy exercises that will get you into almost "Machine-Like" sending.

Take a basic straight key, that has good adjustment capability, and do the following:

Special Note: Many folks make the mistake of trying to position themselves to the key they have placed on the desk. Don't do it that way! First sit down in a comfortable manner, with your arm extended in a position that you could maintain for a long time without discomfort. Now, place the key in a direct line with your ARM, so that your finger rests almost at the key button. Now, we are ready for our 3 exercises. You will need a clock with a second hand that you can see easily, to use like a metronome.

Exercise #1

Exercise #2

Exercise #3

Please note that the real effort here is to learn to control the "finger-hand-wrist-arm" as a unit!

With practice, you will find that you can sent almost "machine-like code" with very little effort, and can control your sending speed to within 1WPM of your desired speed, with anything from 5WPM to over 20WPM. You will also find that about 15WPM is a very comfortable speed to send.