Special Effects for Capacitors and Inductors with Variable Constant Current Sources


A very important thought throughout this series of "Special Effects" is the
"Opposition to the Rate of Change for an Inductor",
and the "Rate of Charge for a Capacitor".

Special Notes:

The Reactance of a Capacitor to a "Rate of Changing Voltage of a Sine Wave"

ICE pdf file (44Kb) available.

Note that the Current and Voltage relationships are 90° out of phase with each other, where at maximum voltage change (while crossing zero volts), that the charging current is maximum. Remember that Capacitors do not like voltage changes.

Note that in the illustration given, that where the current (I) is shown leading the voltage (E), and we can easily place the letter "C" between them ... hence the description "ICE" of the "ELI the ICE man". We can also say that the voltage is lagging the current.

The Reactance of an Inductor to a "Rate of Changing Current of a Sine Wave"

ELI pdf file (37Kb) available
Note that the Current and Voltage relationships are 90° out of each other, where at the maximum current change (while crossing zero), that the resulting CEMF is at its maximum. Remember that Inductors do not like current changes.

Note that in the illustration given, that where the voltage (E) is shown leading the current (I), and we can easily place the letter "L" between them ... hence the description "ELI" of the "ELI the ICE man". We can also say that the current is lagging the voltage.

Particularly notice the difference between the "Reaction" of a Capacitor to the same variation of a "Constant Current Source" output, v.s. the "Reaction" of an Inductor to that same variation of current:

Square Wave

Of special interest is that presenting a varying "Constant Current Source" in the form of a Square Wave to a capacitor will produce a Triangular Wave output from the capacitor, (25Kb PDF File)
whereas presenting a varying "Constant Current Source" in the form of a Triangular Wave to an inductor will produce a CEMF Square Wave output from the inductor. (28Kb PDF File)

This factor is one more situation of where a capacitor behaves in the exact opposite of an inductor.
(Compare those illustrations with this combined PDF File, 71Kb)

Special Considerations

For some REALLY SPECIAL considerations, look at what happens when we feed these irregular variations from a "Current Source" into an Inductor or a Capacitor ("Special" 66Kb PDF file):
