Ham Radio Help Topics

08/05/2012, updated 02/29/2024

Out of the immense number of topics that are useful for helping new Ham Radio folks pursue, on the technical side of ham radio, there are a few areas of discussion that are particularly useful and important at this early stage of effort. Perhaps the easiest way to go about this, in this page of helps, is to start by adding those topics that cause a lot of struggle for most of us at the onset. These short presentations cannot possibly be as a substitute for the wealth of good material available, but hopefully they can provide some additional insight into some "simpler ways" of learning these things.

"Db's the Easy Way", without calculators or complicated formulas.

Resistor Color Code in 18 minutes!

So just what is meant by the "Characteristic Impedance" of a length of coax?

What's so special about the so-called "Quarter-Wave Shorted Stub"?

Power Supply Basics, Understanding Various Power Supply Systems and Regulation.

You might find these outlines (in progress) somewhat informative

Interested in CW keyers?

Additional Material

Time Constants , Reactance, Imaginary Numbers, Phase Angles, and Impedance
How to quickly learn Hexadecimal Codes
How Binary / Octal / Hexadecimal codes run CPUs

Special Links about Antennas

Commercial Antennas Construction Projects Antenna Design Antenna Theory
GAP Vertical Antennas Antenna Projects by AC6V Antenna Design Books Antenna Theory & Practice
SuperAntennas by W6MMA ARRL Wire Antennas Design Your Own J-Pole Antennas! by W4RNL
Ant. Systems & Supplies Invisible Antennas, WD4BIS 2 Meter Copper J-Pole Verticals without Vertigo
J-Pole, Yagi Building Doppler Antennas Eggbeater Loop W4RNL (SK) Ant. Serv. & Edu !!.
Shoestring Antennas Building Antennas Antenna Modeling
Cubical Quad Antennas Small Beams
J-Pole Antennas http://www.uksmg.org/stack.htm
Copper Cactus J-Poles Antenna Traps byWA7RSO
Packet J-Pole Antenna


Other Special Links About Antennas

Comoros DXpedition Ant. QRZ Article on W4RNL (SK) Bio on W4RNL {was: http://www.qcwa.org/w4rnl-sk.htm}

General Links

Morse Code

W1AW CW Practice -- On-The-Air

Morse Code Software - See what AC6V has to offer, and really good links:

Note especially the Morse Code Training Programs

especially recommend CW Player (by F6DQM) and NuMorse, and they will run the the following Data Files very nicely:

Morse Code Helps (FWARC):

CW_Helps_Indexes (Text with 15WPM Sound Bites)

Group Selections-Text (Text Forms of the following Group Selections Code Bites)

"ReadMe" (please)

Morse Code Data Files Here's what I have used for many years for helping folks achieve their morse code proficiency. I originally had it on audio tape, but it works very well with these Morse Code programs as a Data File. It helps by comparisons with those areas that sound so much alike, and how to deal with those difficulties.

Group Selections Sound Bites, are by 8 Selectable WPM Speeds of Full Page Groups of approximately 187 Selectable Sound Bites in each page.

Morse Code Data HTML File (given here as an html, which can be converted to a data file)

For an explanation of the philosophy of these groups.

Initial Difficulties of the beginner and those experiencing difficulty in progress.

"Straight Key" operation made easy.

Learning how to "Copy Behind" in Morse Code.

Digital Modes

Software Documentation
DigiPan PSK
Stream MFSK
HamScope New Digital Modes (by KB2EOQ)
G-Psk31 & KPSK - Linux Versions
ARRL & TAPR Digital Communications


Amateur Radio Clubs

New Jersey QRP Club

Snohomish County Hams Club (WA7LAW)

Local Washington State Repeaters

W7DK Radio Club of Tacoma - W7DK

WA7FW Federal Way Amateur Radio Club - WA7FW

Edmonds-Woodway ARC Edway Amateur Radio Club - N7EDW

Mike and Key Club Mike & Key Amateur Radio Club - Seattle - K7LED

Boeing Employees Club Boeing Employees (BEARS) - K7NWS