CW Help Information


Struggling with Morse Code?

FWARC is running a series of CW Help Sessions, aimed at helping those folks who have been struggling with learning the basic characters of Morse Code, and also those who wish to increase their copying speed. Particular attention is toward "how to learn Morse Code".

As such, these sessions are aimed at overcoming the types of problems most people face when trying to learn those basic characters, and increase their speed.

The agenda will vary on occasion, to allow for various needs and challenges. Character speeds are typically at 15wpm, with spacing between characters and words, to accomplish an effective 7.5wpm and 11wpm for best training accomplishments. Character speeds should never be run below 15wpm, because an individual will start to hear dits and dahs, instead of hearing the character correctly! Don't let the indicated character speed scare you away!

These sessions are run on Tuesday nights on the 147.04(+) (PL 103.5) repeater, beginning at 7:00pm, and running to about 8:00pm. Although this is not a "check-in-net", comments or questions may be presented during the breaks.

Link to CW Helps"
Dave - WA7RSO