Arduino Talking Points


Walt W7PRB and the QST Article and the "KIT"

Having worked with a number of Controllers and Hardware Emulators ...

"now, I'm Hooked on Arduinos"

See the official Arduino website

See illustrations of UNO, MEGA, NANO and Kits


+5V USB vs +9V Power Input

+3.3V to CPU

Tri-State Bi-Directional I/O Pins (and PU's)

Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM)

0 to +5V Analog Inputs (no Analog Outputs)

LEDs still require current-limiting resistors (nothing magical about 330 Ohm)

LCD Library(s)

Re-thinking the parallel LCD connections (Library Requirements)

Serial 3-Wire LCDs

Serial 4-Wire LCDs (with ID codes, 0x2F or 0x3F)

Voltage-Divider Methods

>5V Measurements

Stepped PBs for Relay Controls

Controlling a 5x7 Matrix Display

Shields (Direct Pluggable):

Sketches (Program Routines)


  1. Temperature & Humidity Devices
  2. Voltage Measurements (Scaled)
  3. Ultrasonic Transceivers (on a motorized wheel-chair)
  4. Servo Controls – Stepper circuit vs Servo Feedback
  5. Wireless
  6. GPS - "Grid Square Device", Griduino by K7BWH

The Nuances of the Parallel LCD and the PCB Interface Module

  1. Parallel Requirements
  2. 3-Wire (Power and Ground / Serial Asynchronis Data)
  3. 4-Wire (Power and Ground / Clocked Data - SDA/SDL)

Arduino Ilustrations

  1. Blink RGB
  2. A pair of UNOs for the furnace control
  3. Block and Turnout Controls with "Request Panels"
    • Long Run – 4 Holding Tracks
    • Main Board Inside Track
    • Main Board Outside Track
    • Spiral in East Mountain and West Mountain
    • Alpine Express with 2 Stopping Points
  4. Voltage Monitoring for the 4 Banks of Edison Cell Batteries (Nickle-Iron)
  5. General Purpose Switches and LEDS, Analog Inputs, with LCD
  6. Parallel LCD wiring
  7. Parallel LCD Module (Interface between UNO or Mega and Parallel LCD)
  8. Serial 3-Wire LCDs
  9. Serial 4-Wire LCDs
  10. Multi-Layer PBs on Single-Analog (by Voltage-Divider)
  11. Variable WPM

Read more at Programming the Arduino